Information Commmunication Technology

The teaching of Information Technology skills is embedded into all key learning areas. Students have access to contemporary technologies to support their learning anywhere, anytime, anyhow. Our approach focuses on connective pedagogies which encourages students to be connected to the rest of the world as they learn. We aim to:

  • explicitly teach the ICT skills of investigating, creating, communicating, collaborating and organising
  • develop confidence and a sense of enjoyment in using ICT for different purposes
  • develop an appreciation of the responsible, legal and ethical use of information resulting in responsible digital citizens
  • support inquiry as students engage in building understandings that contribute to their success as life-long learners in the digital age.

Our resources include: iPads, Chromebooks across the school, a series of robotics including BeeBots, Spheros, Ozobots, and MicroBits. Students have access to a wide range of up to date and engaging learning programs.